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Hugo in Memorium

Hugo passed away April 26, 2001

Hugo touched so many lives during his therapy.
His last days at the pool continued to give him happiness and freedom.
Many people expressed their desire to share their thoughts of how Hugo had an impact on their own lives. 

Trish is Sharing Hugo's Story and Testimonials Below

"I met Hugo one of the first days that I brought Forrest, our whippet, to swim with Trish. Forrest was recovering from an injury and it took him a while to get used to the water, but he grew to really enjoy swimming with Hugo. I think that the dogs that knew Hugo, as well as the people, knew what a special dog he was. It was also truly inspiring to see the incredible relationship that had been built between Hugo and his parents. What commitment and love they showed him!

If only everyone could be as selfless in their giving to others. Thank you to Hugo's parents for sharing your lives with us and know that you gave him a life that was truly incredible. He will wait for you on this side of the rainbow bridge where you will be together again to run and play and swim!" - JoAnn

"Dear Alise and Stephen--

it was so sad to learn that you had to put Hugo down. You were such determined and dedicated dog parents and Hugo was lucky to have had you care for him.

My heart goes out to both of you as you face the void he undoubtedly has left in your hearts and home. There is no bond greater than that between we humans and our dogs...especially those of us who do not have children.

I will always remember Hugo's demeanor, which changed from somber struggle to pure joy as he experienced the freedom swimming gave him. It is etched in my mind forever.

Wishing you comfort as you you adjust to his absence." - Susi (and Spirit)

"Hi Trish,

I didn't know Hugo personally, but I am crying for him and his parents. I'm so sorry for their loss-I can't even imagine what I would feel like to lose Lupa as she is as much a part of my family as any human member. My sympathies to them, and thank you for the swim time because if he liked swimming half as much as Lupa then he was one happy and lucky dog... Lina and Ben and Lupa.

I always loved it when I ran into Hugo at the pool: he was SO happy to be there! He had an incredibly good and giving spirit, and his deteriorating body never affected that. He was a majestic, gentle giant who was a real inspiration to so many. I value very much having gotten to know him, and his courageous spirit. He will be deeply missed." - Lynn Riggs & Herschel

"I too recently lost a furry "soul mate." I found out about Hugo, and Trish when Cobra was recovering from a TPLO that went horribly wrong. Hugo's story was an inspiration to me -- as were you as his parents. Your dedication kept me going at times when my energy was at its lowest. I was prepared to bring Cobra to Southern California as a result of hearing such good things about Trish -- and seeing Hugo's story.

Hugo is not "gone," for the essence of who he was lives on in your heart. Quite possibly this little poem may help you "find" Hugo on especially beautiful and starry nights. I know I search out Cobra when the stars are out every chance I get!

Run free, big boy.
Today there are tears on my cheeks.
Tonight there will be an extra star in the sky.
A very special, extremely bright star.
We'll miss you so.

Best wishes as you begin to heal."

Sandy Tyler
Pleasanton, CA

"Dear Trish:

I am a friend of Lisa Goldie, who sent me the story of Hugo. I want to send my condolences to the parents of Hugo, who no doubt must have loved him very dearly. Our dogs bond so closely with us, especially when they need us to help them. They let us know their needs and that they love us and depend upon us.

When my Chihuahua Snowy had knee surgery in 1998, I became closer to her than ever before. The first post-op days were very emotional for both of us. She could not understand why I "abandoned" her to the vet, who did "horrible" things to her; I was in great pain watching her in pain. I awakened in the middle of the night to find her looking intently at me, as if to ask for a drink of water from a dropper. I massaged her tiny leg to take down the swelling; she quietly stayed on her side while I stretched and massaged her leg.

Let me share a poem written by the Romantic poet Lord Byron about his beloved dog Boatswain in 1808,

Epitaph to a Newfoundland Dog:

Near this spot
Are deposited the Remains of one
Who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
And all of the virtues of Man, without his Vices.
This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
If inscribed over human ashes,
Is but just Tribute to the Memory of


Who was born at Newfoundland, May, 1803,
And died at Newstead Abbey, Nov. 18, 1808.

This poem sums up what I have felt about our dogs who have gone to wait at the Rainbow Bridge: Gretchen (Weimaraner, 1998) and Rogie (Chihuahua, 1986). This is also what countless dog parents feel, too, for their departed loved ones.

Again, my deepest sympathies for Hugo's parents."

Love, Dorothy

(mom of Snowy the Chihuahua, and Willy and Katie the Weims)

"Hi Trish,

I think this poem is fitting.... I read it at my Mother's memorial service. With the news of each passing, one of the first things I think of it this poem:

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow. (or in our case pool water's flow)
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autum rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die."

~ In Loving Memory ~
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