Swim Therapy Locations
We offer two locations for swim therapy including Del Mar and Point Loma.
Del Mar Appointments are available on Wednesday's and Saturday's.
Point Loma Appointments are available on Tuesday's and Thursday's.
The pools are located at private homes, so please be respectful of
the property and surrounding neighbors.
For details about scheduling your appointment,
please refer to "Your First Visit".
Del Mar
2542 Via Pisa, Del Mar, CA 92014
Enter on the right side of the house up the stairs, please make sure gate is closed after entering the pool area.
Please do not disturb our generous homeowners by ringing the doorbell or knocking on the door.
Point Loma
3838 Dixon Place, San Diego, CA 92107
Very Important: The driveway gate is opened when we arrive, please do not enter yard/property unless gate is open.
There is parking on the street, or if needed you may drive up the driveway.